
A thousand times the mysteries unfold like galaxies in my head.

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Who would have thought... If you had the patience to play Civilization 2 long enough you would become a veritable Nostradamus and predict humanity's future. An anonymous geezer going by the nickname of Lycerius, who's quite the passionate Civilization 2 fan it seems, has recently posted on Reddit the current status of an ongoing Civilization 2 game which has been lasting for no less than... ten years. 

So you suddenly decided that you want to be the hipster of gaming and trade all your triple A titles for obscure underground indie games only bit-junkies have heard of? Congratulations, you're in the right place, my Guybrush Threepwood roof rocker. Below are some tips on how to become an indie and retro gamer without getting too much money out of your pocket.

When people talk about the Little Mermaid they imagine the classic Disney big eyed doll, with perfect hair and a perfect prince, that will live happily ever after. But the original Hans Cristian Andersen story is one about choosing to suffer in silence. The Little Mermaid sacrifices her hypnotic voice in order to get a second chance at life - to become human and try to seduce her lovely prince, knowing that if she fails her charms, she will die after the prince's wedding. This is no ordinary fairy-tale and the prince turns out to be quite the contemporary douche-bag who needs a good flirt and not distant admiration, so the Little Mermaid ends up back in the sea, one with the waves, foam and water spirits.

Once upon a time, there was Yann Tiersen. And a carousel of broken dreams. And all those pieces of the broken mirror, all delicately stuck to musical notes, tralala-ing out of Yann’s soul. It’s limited, yet fair to say that Yann was revealed to us through his French tunes, his playful acordeon that followed Amelie Poulain and her destiny, stuck in the labyrinthical Paris. Still, life is not a succession of paralyzed images, but a progression of dynamic symbols and things that just are. And music is life and Yann, as a composer, tickled music a lot. So he decided to move on. And he decided to appeal to the masses and just thrill them with everything that he could be.

From time to time, you feel things deserve a second chance, you leave a place and swear never to return again and then it springs back in your mind and you develop a deep nostalgia towards it. That's when you return, hoping that everything has changed, that you won't be left with the same sour impression again. I myself swore not to return to the Romanian seaside after I visited Vama Veche two years ago. I could talk about my previous experience for hours, but this is not the aim of the current article. I am here to talk about what I found at the seaside this year, when late planning left me outside a possible trip to Greece. Tourism industry is a real jungle, don't you think?

I just finished the third season of Weeds. The finale is quite troubling, and got me into deep reflections about the sense of reality. At the root of everyday existence lies the very question of what we are/ what we do/ what we mean. Some get lost in a transcendentalist vision of the world, of a blessed way of life which was given and which must not be overcome. Others take it their own way, and build laws upon their personal will. Either way, the question remains standing, the question deepens and the individual shatters